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Cedre Ambition

26 September 2024/

The support provided to HSL Technologies by the Région Sud, as part of the CEDRE Ambition program, offers assistance at both strategic and operational levels. HSL will benefit from a comprehensive assessment of its development projects, aimed at identifying the best opportunities for growth and innovation.

PLACS – Plastics Compatibility Study

26 September 2024/

The collaboration between HSL Technologies and Aliaxis, a global leader in fluid logistics, began on August 1, 2023, and was formalized with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This partnership has multiple objectives, including testing the compatibility of HydroSil B1 and B2 with various material surfaces, particularly polymers.

RESHIP project

17 September 2024/

The RESHIP project, which began on September 1, 2022, focuses on redefining energy-saving solutions for both newbuilds and retrofitted marine and inland waterway vessels by incorporating disruptive technologies in two key areas: Energy Saving Devices (ESDs) and onboard hydrogen utilization. By leveraging the innovative and energy-efficient hydrogen carrier technology, HydroSil,…

SAS HySiLabs
Av. Louis Philibert
Bâtiment Lavoisier
13290 Aix-en-Provence