Home / News / QualifHY : liquid hydrogen release in a fuell cell successful

QualifHY : liquid hydrogen release in a fuell cell successful

Qualifhy, an ambitious and innovative initiative spearheaded by HSL, Enogia, Helion and ENSAM, has reached a groundbreaking milestone in the hydrogen energy sector. These three pioneering companies were awarded the PSPC (Competitiveness Structuring Project) grant in 2021.

The primary goal of this project is to enhance the hydrogen ecosystem by accelerating company activities and, consequently, taking stirdes in the hydrogen field in the south of France.

After several weeks of rigorous testing and coupling trials, HSL and Helion have successfully achieved an unprecedented integration of a fuel cell with hydrogen released from a silicon hydride compound (Hydrosil).

This achievement highlights the potential of the Qualifhy Project to revolutionize hydrogen storage and utilization, making significant strides toward sustainable energy solutions.

Key Achievements of the Qualifhy Project:

1. Successful Development and Testing: The project culminated in the creation of a test bench for evaluating hydrogen release from the Hydrosil molecule.

2. Innovative Coupling: For the first time, a fuel cell has been successfully coupled with hydrogen released from Hydrosil, demonstrating practical applications and efficiency.

This project would not have been possible without the generous support and funding from BPI, the Région Sud, and the  Aix-Marseille Métropole. Their commitment to advancing the hydrogen sector has been instrumental in enabling this groundbreaking work.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to these organizations for their unwavering support and dedication to fostering innovation in the hydrogen energy field.

SAS HySiLabs
Av. Louis Philibert
Bâtiment Lavoisier
13290 Aix-en-Provence